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What Any.Money is?

Any.Money is a multi currency payment service that is designed to organize the process of accepting payments on the Internet. We help to set and automate payments receiving for services, for goods of any online stores and business.

Namely, Any.Money is a payment aggregator for automating your customers payments acceptance.

What if arrange work without an aggregator? Directly, for instance.

Working without an aggregator is an endless and multiple registration, then a detailed acquaintance and study of the specifics, establishing contact, setting up an API, concluding agreements with each payment service separately. After that, you will have regular signing of acts, tracking API changes, customer support and manual verification of payments, independent and energy-intensive work with erroneous payments (alas, in our experience, this is inevitable).

And so dozens, hundreds and thousands of times. It even hurts to count how much time, effort and budget will be spent on connecting just a couple of the most popular payment systems. In the case of working directly, this is a banal waste of time, effort, an inexhaustible stream of unresolved issues and, in addition to everything, difficulties at each stage of connection and configuration.

And what gives Any.Money usage? What would work be like then?

Accepting payments on the site with Any.Money radically simplifies life for you and your customers. How? Easily, by accelerating, automating and maximally facilitating each step of financial transactions while paying.

If you have related questions, please contact us. Our support will be happy to help you understand all the features of Any.Money and advise on a solution for your type of business.